Laughter Coaching
With Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen
Bespoke, effective and accredited Laughter Coaching from Laughter Therapy specialists
One On One Laughter Coaching
Many people adopt seriousness into their lives when commitments seem to take over what used to be fun, and things can often culminate in chaos.
Motivation is a tough task to manage and the end result may be staff shortage and low staff retention.
One-On-One Laughter Yoga Coaching is ideally suited for anyone who wants to add more laughter and joy to their life, as well as improve self-confidence and communication skills, deal with emotional challenges, low self-esteem, bullying and other issues of daily life whether at work or privately.
Among other things there are three common misconceptions about laughter being addressed during Laughter Coaching
- You don’t need a great sense of humour to laugh
- You can laugh even if you’re not happy
- Nothing funny needs to take place…
Anyone can do it, there is a great amount of scientific evidence to support the benefits and positive outcomes, it is easy to learn, and it is tremendous fun!

Contact Us For All Your Laughter Yoga Queries

For further details and price information on any of the services offered please complete the form or contact us via email, phone, or social media as listed on this page.
Who Is Laughter Coaching For?
It is for managers, staff members, for people facing enormous stress and depression, for introvert and shy, for people with anger challenges, for older people who have forgotten to laugh, for physically challenged and bedridden, and for people with chronic diseases, for people who feel socially excluded or in areas of deprivation of any kind.
Learning basic laughter techniques may prove to be a means to creating unparalleled and extraordinary results in all areas of life.
The fee is £480 for 8-week programme including daily telephone laughter, equals £60 per week including daily contact.

The Laughter Coaching 8-Week Programme
This is an 8-week programme which enables people to learn Laughter Yoga exercises on a one-on-one basis with focus on the individual’s needs.
The programme includes one lesson every week for eight weeks as well as daily 10-minute telephone sessions.
It is a combination of practice sessions at home and on the phone with the coach.
Outline of the programme:
- Session 1: Get connected to your ability to laugh
- Session 2: Find your way of laughing when you are not in the mood
- Session 3: Change your posture and change your attitude
- Session 4: Choose your own happy place with joyful expression
- Session 5: Take charge of your mind and your body in order to laugh at will
- Session 6: Learn to breathe in ways that empower you and build your strength and health
- Session 7: Discover how you can use laughter in daily life and take charge of your own joy
- Session 8: Commit to a life full of laughter, joy, and all the good things in life that comes with a positive outlook

Difference between coaching and teaching
Laughter Yoga Is Easy!
While teaching is imparting knowledge and skills; Laughter Yoga coaching is a commitment and partnership between the coach and the student.
The coach helps, motivates, and inspires the student to adopt the knowledge and skills learned.
It is an excellent way to help you learn the techniques of Laughter Yoga, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home without having to join a Laughter Club or other laughter group.