Laughter Yoga in London and the UK

Stressless & Positive Living

Julie Whitehead now focuses on stressless living programmes and runs Stressless & Positive Living courses and workshops bringing together her skills as a yoga teacher, laughter and happiness coach.

These sessions incorporate yogic breathing and breath awareness, relaxation, personal energy awareness, positive psychology and laughter and happiness.

Learning to live in a more stress free way allows you to take control of your emotions, rather than your emotions controling you. As a result you become calmer and happier with yourself and your life. A six week course is recommended for full benefit.

Now in its tenth year after successfully running at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Staff with wonderful results, this 6 week course will give you the skills to be more in control of your emotions, and therefore your life.

You will learn breathing, visualisation, meditation, stretching and laughter techniques to reduce stress and learn to still your mind with Mindfulness Based Stress Release techniques.

If you are feeling tired you will learn how to energise. If you are feeling hyper you will learn how to calm down. Most participants benefit from a better, deeper nights sleep, waking up ready to face the day with a smile.

Stress Management

Quotes from latest course:

“From an initial sceptic to someone who totally embraced this course! The breathing exercises will remain as part of my life forever . I left each class with a feeling of well being and feeling 2 inches taller! I feel much better able to cope with everything and know what I need to do to relax.”

Over the six weeks you will begin to lead a more relaxed, healthy and fulfilling life by being ‘in the present moment’. A commitment of 10 minutes practice at least, per day is required for the best results. Call Julie 07973 164 369 for more information.

contact us for all your Stress Management queries

happy people clapping - Laughter Yoga in London and the UK | Laughter Yoga

For further details and price information on any of the services offered please complete the form or contact us via email, phone, or social media as listed on this page.

Fast Track Stressless Living Day – one Day Course £90 per person

Organise a one day Stressless Living course at your home with 6 friends and you attend for FREE!

You will experience many of the benefits of the 6 week Stressless Living course and are guaranteed a fun day which will leave you feeling relaxed and could even change the way you live your life.

Happy People

How We Have Improved Businesses Like Yours!

Testimonials of Businesses we’ve helped:

double quote

Check out all other customer testimonials and see first-hand how we can laugh your business to success!

Stressless Living Products

Julie, using her spiritual name of Sharaddah has recorded some audio CD’s for you to listen to and relax. Listening to Sharaddah will teach you to relax and let go, allowing you to feel calm and less stressed..

NB: These are NOT DVD’s or visual recordings. Cost includes postage.

CD1: Progressive Relaxation; Healing Garden; Golden Light; Infinite Ocean & Yoga Nidra

CD2: Smiling Healing Breath; Countryside relaxation, Moonlight Meditation, Mountain Top Relaxation & Chakra Visualisation

CD3: This Stressless Yoga CD is a typical Stressless yoga class with the following sequences :- Breath awareness; cat routine and stresless stretch out, spirit salute & mountain pose, tree, triangle and warrior pose, relaxation

For more information and to purchase her CDs please call Julie on 07973 164 369 or visit for more information on Stressless Living Courses.

Stress Management FAQs

Modern life can present an array of difficult situations for us. a lack of regular exercise, an unhealthy work-life balance or a lack of sleep are just some of the risk factors that can lead to a major source of excess stress in a person’s life.

Laughter yoga and therapy offers a practical solution to stress management. The management of stress in the workplace can facilitate better communication and interaction between staff and promote a more positive workplace environment.

Stress management sessions with our team of accredited laughter therapists can be hugely beneficial for your employees and workforce. On an individual level, employees that undergo stress management therapy will have reduced stress, higher self-esteem and effective coping strategies to manage stressful situations.

The signs of chronic stress differ from person to person. However, the most common signs of chronic stress are when an individual has difficulty sleeping, disorganised thinking, decreased energy levels, frequent illnesses. Additionally, individuals with high-pressure jobs, challenging relationships and financial difficulties may also be more susceptible to suffering from chronic stress too.

Before self-diagnosing or diagnosing other people with behavioural issues, it is advisable to consult with a mental health professional.